Friday, January 18, 2008

What do u want 2 teach me today?

I’m not that good with small children. Yesterday ma neighbor came in with a request I couldn’t refuse. She wanted me to look after her one and a half year old son Achu .Considering the fact that ma interaction with ma neighbors is confined to one sentence in a week ,I’m quite a stranger to Achu. Whenever he sees me, he gives me a cute smile and hides behind his mother. Armed with ball in one hand and a toy car in other he wanted to play football first. May be his ignorance due to the fact that I’m a girl who doesn’t even know how to kick a ball properly he refuse to give me the ball initially but, slowly we were plying catch-catch. After running behind the ball for 30 minutes he was done with football and wanted to play with his little tricycle. I was so tired running after him that ,I sat on the bench to catch some fresh air .Achu came running and offered a ride on his tricycle back home. Considering the size of that thing I refused. In between I had to give him water, actually make him drink, solve his fights with the elder kids. What made the whole experience a memorable one is the lessons he taught me

~Whole lots of patience
~Most importantly to enjoy whatever
When his mother came to pick him up he made me promise that I will be back in the grounds today.

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