Thursday, March 29, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007



hey....long time....n life has taken a new unexpected turn.....guess what????a new person to make ma already miserable life much worse......smi has backed out....on ME......She feels im bossy,irritatin n she can no longer adjust alongside me....what a joke......When i say i don't belive in relationships people laugh.... critisising ma when they see the situation im in..... n ask...."why are you not feelin bad even after your best friend backed out on you" i juzz say......ivn't belived in this relation either....came in theory.....common i don't have time to shed tears...time won't wait for throwing you out of ma life.....starting it all afresh.....NEW LIFE...NEW CHARACTERS....NEW PAGES.....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

fuzzy logic......

itz so funny to see how people take issues so seriously......tearing down the of ma friend n me are not great buddies anymore as we used to be....both of us dont care about the whole issue....people friend's friend seems to be more concerned....refusing to co-operate showing the kinda of complete anguish on the face.....i wonder....what does he have to do with ma issue????all what hes doin is making a big fuss out of doesn't do any good to anyone it isn't helpful in solving the issue...infact it is creating a kind of unrest among both of us....who were friends in the past....let others live by their own rule....why bother????why care to peep into others world....don't ever try to force a person to be what you want him/her to be ...alwayz respect individuality.....FUzzy logic.....or may be FUzz without logic.....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007