Saturday, January 05, 2008

New year resolutions

New Year resolution for me is a self made promise that may be broken at the mid year. This time I didn’t want the history to repeat so, I took time before coming up with two things that need urgent attention .Finally, here is ma new year resolution.

The world is wise and matured enough to choose its own destiny. Doesn’t need any of ma advises or yelling at to make it more worse for people to live in .Its an attitude that can get on peoples nerves and I desperately need to mend ma ways.

Okay this is much easier. This year no ringing up old pals and saying ”hay or bye”
.As I have mentioned earlier in ma entries, for maintaining any relation an effort ought to be there from both sides. Otherwise its just one man attempt to make things worse .If a relation is meant to doom let it be. There will be no effort from ma part to maintain any

There goes ma new year resolutions…….Hoping for a great year ahead.

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