Sunday, July 05, 2009


That was the most uncomfortable position i have ever been in quite a long while,in between two silent lovers,me chirping in sentences to fill the empty atmosphere.Both of them were least interested in listening to my lectures on life and beyond as they were staring at each other or was it??.I remember him yelling at me"keep your head low,I can't see her" common it wasn't the compliment i was expecting for helping him see his lady love and better not to start on the shy lady love.She kept looking at the concreted pavements,her head stooping low for the entire one sided conversation .......never did once she look at him.Classic case of typical mallu girl.The conversation was between me and the sea,we both sharing a point or two about the life.The whole setting seemed straight out of a 70's film and i still don't understand where i fit the bill between the two of them. I accompanied her,for there was no way her prince charming would save her from her high walled palace,for the time being Mr.Prince charming hasn't found his way around her parents.There comes the saviour [ME],the Prince's bestie and the Lady Love's good friend.I pretend to come visiting and takes her to meet him ....up to that part of the story,its quite ordinary but, siting between two lover's trying to mask their hidden affection from the public glare is embarrassing.I was more daring in my endeavours!!.I was witness to driving emotions,tears,sarcasm laced with affection etc etc etc.After i decided that the one sided conversations couldn't go on,me and the lady love rose from the bench ,opened the umbrella and walked through the pouring rain,her cheeks still warm from the fresh tears,he sat on the bench drenched in rain looking towards the ships that sailed past. After a 5 minutes walk she took a U turn and walked straight towards him while i waited down the jetty.May be the 3's company made it uneasy for her and i decided it was better off without me this time around.It paid off,i see them walking towards me,both with the same old plain expression but, better than the one's pasted on their face before.Well, what a day!!!

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