Thursday, January 22, 2009

21 Things!!!


  1. You get a soap as your birthday gift from your brother.

  2. You get sick the day before your birthday.

  3. You sleep off before 12:00 am.

  4. You never get to attend any calls or messages because of reason no.3.

  5. You fight with your beloveds at 3 o' clock in the morning.

  6. Your dog bits off your favorite chappals .

  7. You misplace the house keys and can't find the spare one to lock the house.

  8. You run on a late schedule and decides to skip college.

  9. Your angry friends calls you up .

  10. Your forced to attend an early lecture by your dad.Yawn!!!

  11. You waste away your morning in front of the idiot box.

  12. Your BF accidentally reveals about the surprise party to be held for you.

  13. You walk all the way to your college on foot under the hot sun.

  14. You can't message any longer for ,you are out of balance.

  15. Your lunch gets eaten up by friends and you end up with an empty stomach .

  16. You get all smithered on face with the birthday cake.

  17. You find out you have tons on notes to cover.

  18. You forget about some of your friends and they end up complaining"We didn't get the cake".

  19. You can't walk for ,your leg hurts!!! thanks to the wrong chappals.

  20. You never get to taste the chocolates you brought for ,it was empty before you knew.

  21. You reach back home and sleeps off at 10 pm,before the day is officially over.

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