Saturday, May 17, 2008

That Guy!!!

This guy is like a part of ma life for the past 16 years.All these years ,we loved, hated, fought ,cried, celebrated together.There is nothing common connecting both of us except, for the BLOOD RELATION.Never a picture perfect sibling ,we had our own shells to expand,problems to tackle and in the process weaved our own close knitted worlds.Privacy as always given the highlight and until ma age 16 he was mended out the treatment similar to that of a stranger.Things changed as we developed some sort of a close bonding that made us realise the value of missed years .Time outs,stealing cookies together,watching Dad's cd's together he became like a part of ma life....unofficially ma best pal.

This post is intended to ease out some pain .He is out of town for a month for his summer classes and what links each other to the daily routines are official phone calls,calls that are never made to each others cell.During his usual conversation with parents,ma name does come up but,until now he hasn't asked for me neither have i.Though the hard temptation of ringing him up i restrain for,emotions may run high.Brushing off mom's occasional scolding of"TALK TO YOUR BROTHER" i stare blankly at the walls" I WON'T"....irking ma ma mom off,hiding ma feeling when she says"YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FEELINGS FOR YOUR OWN BROTHER..HOW SAD".Our relation is better expressed in silence than thousands of words because,



anna said...

hey... just call him and talk... sometimes unspoken words may clog the network and finally, come a day, the network will finally discard it for newer words and ppl... tell him that he means a lot to u... leave ur ego... it'll never do u a day's good...

Anonymous said...

i tried speakin but,it was like an art film with both of us sayin "mmmm"