Friday, May 16, 2008

For a change

With the college closed,the morning sickness has caught on with me ....pulling me back into the arms of comfort even after 6:00 am.With ma bedroom closed and me sounding ma way to slumbering sleep there is one person in the house who doesn't seem to enjoy all ma self pampering:MA MOM.Having to pack her bags to her office early before the sun rises ,after all that motherly duties (cooking and cleaning) she surely envies ma beauty sleep.Knocking hard on ma door,threatening to close down the kitchen ,she surely gets things done in her way.On a sleepish note ma beautiful mornings begin with a

"OPEN UP" shout.

Change is the spice of life....i really needed a break from the early morning howling,screeching and complaints.SUrprise.....

5am:alarm (took almost 10 minutes to wake me though)

5:30 am: made some hot cardamom tea.

5:40am: dosa for breakfast

6:30am: Did clean up the mess i made :D

6:40 am:there comes mom rubbing her sleepy eyes opening up what seems like ma daily dose....No.... she stopped after seeing me with the tea in ma hand ,offering it to her i smiled"good morning mom"...."am i dreaming?You did all these gal?" she asked looking at the spotless kitchen" I nodded ma head.....

"Well,you didn't had to go through all that trouble today" she said...."what??"After all these how can she?" ."Actually I'm on leave today...would love the same treatment tomorrow too"mom winked at me sipping her tea

"what??i mean tomorrow too??and she on leave? why the hell did i do all these things for" i wondered.

HAh!!!!!!!!leave it for it made ma mom happy.......and for a change i could see her SMILE!!!!!!!!!


anna said...

he he... that was wonderful dear... moms r always surprised when daughters finally enter the kitchens on their own accord. but u made a dear mistake... now she's always gonna wake u up... my bitter experience... ;-p

Thripti Aravind said...

Ya i did a big mistake............she did wake me up early 2day.......