Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Flying Away...............

Had enough being

a parasite

Feedin on ma parent's blood

weakening them each day

They say "Its time to fly of your own"

but, i refuse to let go

Clutching harder than before

"What if......."i put forth

Face the brutal world

fly away to touch the sky

all by yourself they say

"Never" i scream

I love your shadow

the sense of protection it gives me

The warmth it imbibes

I don't wanna face the realities

of life..........

One day i found maself

lost in the vastness of the sky

and i trembled with fear

But, slowly an ecstasy filled up


the ecstasy of flight

the ecstasy of freedom

the ecstasy of self realisation

had enough being a parasite.....................

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