Thursday, January 26, 2012

24 Random things

It's a lil late to do this post but, hey atleast I have managed to post this in the month of Jan which by the way is a BIG deal. I recently celebrated my 24th birthday and here are 24 random things you probably wouldn't know about me...

  1. I am a pure blood Aquarian, and that means I think a lil hatke (Different) from others.
  2. My favorite color in the spectrum is YELLOW. I have at least one item in my wardrobe in color yellow: Shoes, earrings, dresses. Even my bedroom wall is painted YELLOW.
  3. Before my present role, I was a web page designer. Yes!!!I am very lazy to do a makeover for my own blog.
  4. I am a dropout. I just couldn't bear the pressure of technical studies even after being an 8 pointer for the whole of 1 year of the course. I quit after 1st year much to the dismay of my parents.
  5. I have problem estimating distance between two objects. Either I evaluate it as too near or too far and this may be the reason why my dad doesn't trust my words during driving.
  6. I was selected to Indian school of planning and architecture, Delhi in the year of 2005 but, my parents refused to let me pursue architecture cause the school had mixed hostel system during that time.
  7. I love politics and any discussions on the same. I keep myself updated about any latest happenings in world  politics.
  8. I was known for my high decibel voice back in school and college. I can grab the attention of a class of 60 with my voice.
  9. I am very organized person. Mind you the term should not be misinterpreted... it is organized. I keep all my things in its designated place. 
  10. My favorite ice cream is Baskin Robin strawberry and banana. I can N number of cups.
  11. I am more of my younger brother's lil girl than dad's or mom's. 
  12. I used to learn violin back during school days.
  13. I have the same dreams played in a loop every single week. Even the trivial things doesn't change not even the position of those things.
  14. I hate cricket and football. Tennis is more bearable format of sports.
  15. I have only very few friends and there is no permanent list. Changes in every 2-3 years.
  16. I have constant neck problems and cause of that I love sleeping on cold floor :P.
  17. I have an enviable collection of earrings.
  18. I love movies. Any crappy movie will do...
  19. I used to have BIG crush on Mark of Westlife, Anderson of English cricket team and Ayushmaan of MTV.
  20. I have streaked hair which once I had vowed never to color but I did...
  21. I can be in my own world for hours, without any company and my mom calls it creepy.
  22. I love hoarding fashion mags.
  23. I am not scared of insects or lizards or cockroaches or millipede. I find it funny when girls cry  like babies and jump on the bed when they see any crawling thingies.
  24. I love my school life more than college life.


Swarnali said...

That was a very enlightening post ;) :P
I am not scared of insects either unless they jump on me out of somewhere :P

Chandana said...

I am very organized too. Sometimes obsessively! I am always lost in my own world and my mom hates it! I am just the kind of girl who screams and jumps around like a big sissy.. coz i hate every creepy crawly insect that exists :P.
I love school more than collage. In fact I cant even compare the two.. college was horrible.


fashionistas stop said...

that was an amazing post!
I too love being organized but not able to at times :P
and I love the face of thinking hatke :P
you can follow me on facebook too on my blog webpage, i would love to follow you back there.
following you back girl..maybe you have time to check my new post :)