Saturday, March 21, 2009

Men,the word in singular is nothing to be feared of but,the plural of the word means bunch of chauvinists trying to bring on the old concept of slavery.They are like bunch of crows,if one gets attacked the rest comes after you,tearing you apart so ,strong is their unity.Last day as i was getting insulted in full public glare by ma own class mate i saw the others watching from a distance,smiling to themselves but as the tension grew high and when ma voice started to penetrate through their ear drums they came to the rescue of their friend accusing,pointing fingers at the sole warrior.The height of male chauvinism :none of them asked me what the problem was ,all that they were bothered at that point of time was to save the skin of the "MALE COMMUNITY". In an argument,a guy tries to accuse the girl of her moral character as a last resort, a frantic attempt to win the war.The culture of respect and mutual understanding is long gone.Some one even suggested"He is like that ,try to adjust".Well, then why the hell can't he? .Its never in the rule book that the girl should be the one always forgiving ,why can't men do the same.Does it hurt their inflated ego?.Insulting someone,especially a lady that too in public won't make you macho instead ,it shows how desperate you are ,how weak you are. Have to accept their unity,no matter what issues sore within them they make it a point to stick together at times of trouble.I'm sick of ma college life and thank goodness its coming to an end in 6 days. I shouldn't have shed even one drop of ma tear thinking about those scum bags.Life for me is an excuse to hush and bush up my responsibilities,path to redemption,path to self discovery and seems like the chauvinist world is here to stay and i better get used to it.

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