I'm a person with deep political views and the situation has intensified ma views on to a different level.The battle is almost over,with the NSG commandos securing Taj hotel,its yet another battle against terrorism won.Many unanswered questions remain,arguments,deliberations and within a week Mumbai will be back on its heels,raising past time.This day will be forgotten,the only ones who will remember will be those who lost their beloveds.Accepted the fact that we believe in "ADHITI DEVO BHAVA",which means guests are like God but,why can't we seem to learn from our mistakes?.As the media pointed out ,there wasn't even a single terrorist attack on America after 9/11 but,we wake up every morning reading about blasts and attacks.Why can't anything be done?.There is no point arguing as we have our politicians doing that job to perfection.
The Mumbai attacks are a clear indicator that terrorists are not targeting a single section alone,terror can strike anywhere anytime.Weapons,cash ,gadgets terrorists have access to almost everything.HOW?WHY?WHERE?,everyone seems to know the answer still owing to political and diplomatic pressure we choose to turn a blind eye towards the incidents.
No religion, no faith urges man to kill his fellow beings.Innocents who have nothing to do with the HIDDEN AGENDA'S.Clearly,victims of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
My deepest condolences to those who lost their loved ones, to wake up to find yourself all alone,without having a clue that yesterday was the last day you kissed your loved ones goodbye is pretty scary.
NSG commandos and Maharashtra Police who did a tremendous job fighting continuously for more than 48 hours putting even their lives at stake.The Martyn's who died in the encounters will be remembered in our prayers.
Politicians,Please step up the act.Don't compromise on national security for petty vote bank politics.Country is above any individual or any religion.Put your powers to use at least now for, we need a country where we can sleep without having to fear"Will i be alive tomorrow?"
Media,i completely salute your determination to bring all the action live into our sitting rooms but, please don't take it as an opportunity to increase your TRP's