Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Someone Hear me Out....

Obsession with anything,even GOD is fatal beyond a certain point.The point ,where it starts dictating your life.Everything crumbles down like a pile of sand .My strong conviction allows me to believe in a single power only,the universal God with different forms,different names.As much as i have faith in God ,i hate demi gods or even human gods who claim they are powerful than God himself.Astrology,horoscope,rashis,all are part and parcel of our daily lives.Its mysterious from a distance but, on being consumed by that force there is no escape.This "person",the so called self taught astrologer came into our lives quite accidentally.He caught dad's attention by his wisdom(I'm pretty sure even i can acquire wisdom with Google as ma teacher).Dad changed the whole layout of the house after his say.I didn't allow dad to make similar changes in ma room owing to functional difficulties.For me having a plug point was important than "not to wake up in the morning looking at the mirror".This person visits our house often,at some point of time it became annoying than mysterious.Now he is back urging dad to wear ring of special stone to ward of ill times.If there is any ill time to be warded off its him.Dad on being too manipulative agreed to pay the cash he asked for, no matter how hard i objected.It makes me feel real bad when, ma voice is left unheard.I may not be as experienced as ma dad is but, surely god has given me enough wisdom to know,understand and analyse what is right and what is wrong.

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