Thursday, September 04, 2008

Right or Wrong

Life is so still for the last few days.Iv no more high expectations from people, no more burden of performance.Its about ME ME and more ME.The best way to hurt some one is to AVOID.For the past few days i was stuck in the company of people who viewed ma presence as problematic. With the hostility too hot to handle i decided to quit ma attempts to put up a conversation.Ma relation should have been confined to the boundaries of professionalism.What did i do wrong?.I'm a person who doesn't let ego come in between, and i don't mind bowing ma head to avoid a clash but, this time its all different."ATTITUDE" that's what ma friend showered on me after the Goa trip.May be its her attempt to climb the ladder of social circuit but, it has clearly burnt ma affection for her.Coupled to the high tension the occasional sharp statements made by her made the situation worse.After all this i expected someone to understand,it didn't happen so and without listening to ma side of story the verdict was already made:OPAL IS WRONG!!!!!.What is the real source of issue? As it seems no.... is shouldn't be saying it.Now the old enemies are back in camp making merry out of the situation.Should i mend or should i let it be keep ma head on ma shoulder and stand tall?.Whatever it is the damage is already done.


woodstock said...

hey, great writing skill.keep it up.Tell me one thing "ma" is one innovation or Obsession.

Thripti Aravind said...

kinda stuck in the same mode 4 3-4 years