Sunday, September 28, 2008

Abhiyanthriki o8':Concert

I ended up hating ma self more as i walked out of the door of Chavara Hall.The doors opened up banging ma heart,giving it a big blow.The evening was surely ma last chance to pull up but, instead i ended up on a wrong road .With 3 of ma mates in the same situation as i was, i didn't find ma self in an awkward position.So many things were going on in ma head and it was impossible to concentrate on something else.The performers lived up to their name and the crowd was well behaved too.Seeing bunch of engineering student sitting in their chairs,controlling their very best to suppress their dancing genes ,was amusing.The performers repeatedly urged the crowd to join in.Restrictions,restriction and more restrictions.Every time the juniors stood up to dance they were pulled back to their seats by the faculty.The last semester students were given space ...all the way back,meters away from the rule bearing eyes.They let loose their hairs from the first song onwards,adding in more madness with each song.
Cant see the point but, each batch was trying to prove"who is the best" by trying to raise the maximum voice,didn't serve any purpose as the event was for the college as whole, not any batch in particular.What's the point in proving your might,it will just deteriorate one's image in front of outsiders.

I was in senses but, sometimes i went off track thinking about our cancelled trip to north east.Dad gave totally stupid reason to cancel the same.Alas, we are not supposed to complain.Mom, me and bro kept our mouths shut through out the family meeting.This year its the second time I'm proving ma self unlucky with "BIG" trips.I missed out on the class trip and now this one.Back to the birds eye view,the event was over after a 30 minutes jamming session by 4:30.This really took me back to ma first year "DREAMS",we danced like maniacs until 8 at night.The best part of ma college life.Now, its dry and I'm desperately wanting to get out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hai opal lia, we manage the abhiyanthriki website. Your new teacher google(google alerts) just told us that u have put comments on abhiyanthriki here.

nice blog.... but i would be a bit more optimistic...atleast we were let to conduct a fest like abhiyanthriki.....hope times will change and things will get more liberal....