Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hard realities

I hate surrendering to ma words.When i do,it means I'm hurt.I always used to find solance in them but, now i don't think i like the idea of burdening them with ma sorrows.Ma life is turning more and more complicated and people who are supposed to understand from ma eyes let alone ma words ,are slowly drifting apart.Its not exactly clashing of worlds but,the spaces.I'm struggling deep inside trying to prove to ma self that I'm far less complicated than what it seems.I'm failing,no one seems to understand ma existence in dual worlds ,worlds that are quite strange to each other.Worlds that seem ignorant of the existence of each other and choose to move ahead with its own entities.No one seems to understand me:THE BALANCING FORCE.I'm getting trapped in between two entirely different demand lists.I love both ma worlds and I'm not ready to sacrifice either of them.I'm trying,forgive me if i fail yet again .I'm trying hard.

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