Sunday, February 24, 2008

Expectations Hurt!!!

Sometimes we expect too much from people that,when our expectations are met with dead end,we are left out to wonder ,Why we even bothered to expect in the first place.Expectations are always a source for disappointments and the intensity gets stronger with the fact that the person we are expecting so much, is our greatest strenght.I know i made a fool out of ma self by refusing to hold back ma tears.At that point ma emotions were over powering ma courage to hang on.More than ma id being taken away for being late,more than the botheration about missing the lecture to attend,it was incidents and people that were making the situation hard for me to handle.I'm pretty sure that it had nothing to do with ma punctuality as i had no other option.I have had people say"some days don't just belongs to you" and i have perfect reasons to believe so.The whole sequence of events didn't go the way i wanted it to be.I don't know whether I'm right in ma actions and reactions but,at that instant i just felt so and for the expectation part"I DON'T HAVE ANY"

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