Tuesday, June 14, 2011

5. Chaired matters...

10 things that I missed about airbus ODC, series was something that I had to force down the throats of ma colleagues and died premature death before its completion. An out of moment ping that forced me to think back and make ma self believe that I am not short of audiences .The series is back in track-alive and kicking.

5. Chaired matters...

Of many life saving skills that I attained from AIRBUS, finding the right chair and whisking it away would have to be tagged the most innovative one. Stealing is not a virtue you would wanna flaunt but, AIRBUS did teach me that no virtue is not worth mentioning in your appraisal form.

Chair is an important part of a software engineer’s life considering the fact that we do spend more than 7hours (Not in ma case :P) on them. Lazy posture, concentration posture, frustrated posture, dedicated posture, Friday joyous posture...one look at the posture of the person and you can get to know the situation of the code.

Being an early bird has its own advantage, I take a stroll through all the cabin searching for that right chair the one with proper backrest, right angle slouch ,proper height and so on...I whisk away the nearly perfect one rolling it down to ma cabin .The rolling is certainly not a happy affair...hitting and completely wayward chair manages to make enough screeching/hitting on cabin sounds alerting few other early birds. As I manage to keep my chair ,slowly the ODC fills up by around 11.The few unlucky ones (afternoon birds) have tough time finding a chair let alone the right one. It’s always EMPLOYEES vs CHAIRS and the later always manages to win. Unscathed by the supply shortage the afternoon birds waits until some poor tea deprived soul to step out and with their eagle like precision manages to get a hold on to the chair the former have been sitting declaring the chairs as their own .As the cup yielding soul returns back only to find his chair missing .The person who did whisk the chair sits there with utter concentration ,his eyes fixed on to the screen acting unaware of what’s happened minutes ago.

Obviously You will never be able to apply your monopoly to any of the chairs (thanks to night owls) as one is forced to repeat the same routine over and out the next day.

In Cochin every time I walk towards the cabin after my short break I have this delusion up in ma head that ma chair would be missing and the inert virtue of stealing awaitens its renewal .No, I find ma chair there safe and here EMPLOYEES always win considering the number of empty cubicles. How I so miss the screeching sound the chair makes while being rolled down from one destination to other and I so miss ma hunt for MR.RIGHT CHAIR....

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