Friday, March 15, 2013

Just Do It

My daily conversation goes something like this

ME: I am becoming fat
Devi: MMMMM...No (I love her for lying)
Me: What do you think I should do, all the while munching my high calorie samosa
Devi: Eat moderate, exercise
Me: ok (making a mental note to my self), but I don't have time....

Next day
Me: I am becoming fat .....and goes the conversation

Yes, every freaking day I make a mental resolution to move my rusted ass off the chair and work out, eat in moderation and then that's all I do, keeping the resolution in mind. I largely point my fingers at the time or the lack of it for my increasing waistline. I get up at 7:20, prepare tea, do house errands and leave for office at 8:15, so in this small time window I hardly have any time for shaking up my fat cells. Evening after I reach back by to kitchen to prepare dinner. By 9 I am done and after bathing and having food my body gives up and all I wanna do is just sleep.

Eating in moderation is another big joke. When I was in Cochin, my dad and mom were strictly against stocking junk food of any form. My occasional junk pangs were satisfied by once a month access to bakery items and once a blue moon outing to restaurant. Things come really cheap after marriage, cause my husband loves his junk food ( He doesn't get Fat though, with a marketing and sales on the run job who gains weight!!). We always have either cakes or chocolates or icecream in our fridge and week long cooking drives me nut and by end of the week, we just take out all the frustration on food, by going in to a fine dining restaurant. It's junk once a week.

I am writing this post to make myself feel ashamed of my lack of willpower and the ever hungry brain taking control over the body. One scoop of icecream will lead to second or third serving because,  I always have the next beautiful day to start with my resolution. I'm frustrated cause I'm tired of convincing myself that I can do it the next day. I'm tired of convincing that I will go for a walk cause for me sleep is more important than health. I'm frustrated cause I complain and crib though it's purely my failure or inability to be what I want to be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sure you will start once you try to fit in the time..Do you know that it is 70% food & 30% exercise?

Try what I did..Eat whatever you want for breakfast & lunch..As for dinner,eat fruits only..It aint easy at all but once you get a hang of it,I am sure u can do it..

One form of exercise you can do is if you take bus get down one to two bus stops before your alighting stop and walk to ur house..If u have a car,try not using the car at all..