Friday, April 01, 2011

If you dream, if you think, if you observe you can't make a change. It takes a deep breath, lots of planning and equal amounts of execution .Well some food for thought and good one...How come i don't have any embarrassing moments just for the sake it ....just to fill up some blank space in the blogger.To what extend can ur patience stretch when someone even after repeated"warnings"commit the same blunder again and again?can such action be forgiven?I did create a hue and cry when the whole blame game rolled out of my span...trying to contain the over spilling of emotions and accusation I realized something"IM A HYPOCRITE" I don't mind blurting this out loud,and this leaves a narrow margin of appreciation for my own act of braveness, the one in which you realize your shortcomings.Well, the act of cowardliness starts from the point where i realize my mistakes and still not move an inch of my stoned will power to rectify my actions :(

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