Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Is it?

I will keep this post simple and fuzz free...Is blood thicker than water...technically yeah!!!but, then do you believe so?.  If you are put in a spot where you have to choose between your family/relatives and friends what would you choose?. When I say family/relatives it's not exactly you grandfathers brothers son's daughter cousin brothers....am talking about, but immediate family. I for one believe that no matter how hard I fall, there is always a bunch of people behind me to act as my cushion, the ones who lessen the impact of the fall, the ones who motivate me to get back up and face the blow again. Now that bunch of people includes set of friends and family, if you ask me to specifically to pick one I would pick my family against friends and this wouldn't have been the case if the same question was asked some 4-5 years back.

Those teenage years tricks you into believing that the gang of friends are you everything, they are your world, and there is no life beyond college. Things are far more brutal in reality. There were moments in my life when I had actually hoped my so called friends would back me out of any crappy situations but, even the so called sisterhood didn't survive the onslaught of time and slowly eroded away with distance. I would shut my eyes and cry, hoping for my friends to miraculously appear from nowhere and ease out my pain well, all I was left with was hissing sound of the mighty wind. And then I felt a tremendous surge of energy, a blue light shinning at the horizon and it took me 4-5 years to realize that the blue light that helped me through the tough times were in fact my family/relatives. Some of you can drub off by saying by the description that my friends were not real friend but yours are. 

The reason why your family consider your pain as their own is because your pain directly affects them. For your friend, you pain is not a part of their life. They are immune to all the inside turmoil where as the family has to deal with your pain as their own. 

Why you may feel, some of you might even feel "there is no point in this post, everyone knows family is important than friends". Well, there are still people in this world who think otherwise. There are still people to whom this theory doesn't make sense. There are still people who think the dil chahtha hai kinda friendship exist.