Thursday, November 04, 2010

Its completely unethical to speak about my professional life so, out goes my Monday-Friday life which in no way is gonna be of much interest to anyone.Even to imagine me sitting in one cubicle,typing away seems damper.So, that leaves us with two days:Saturday and Sunday.What exactly happens on these much awaited weekends?It may be much more of a damper than the weekday routine.Eating-sleeping-movies ,there goes the routine. Out of the blue shopping adds joy to ma life and strain to ma purse strings. What else can one do in Bangalore?there is no places to visit except for malls malls and more malls.See this is exactly the reason why most of the major brands have showroom here.When people don't have any other place to visit obviously they will start going to malls and spend their hard earned cash.Height of consumerism .Sadly, Im also a part of the rush.With nothing much to do what else can one expect.

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