Thursday, January 29, 2015


Dear Friend.

Wishing you the very best for your life ahead. You have drifted off to a place, where I don't intend to follow you to. We all have different tastes, different perspective of life and friendship. I don't want to trust my ears, cause they can feed you with most negative of thoughts. You will be forever in the right place in my heart and our friendship will be cherished. 

Goodbye and good luck.

Monday, January 19, 2015


I have been going through the evolution chart of this blog, from an 18 year old's rambling about finding a perfect guy to falling in love, I have come a long way to a more brooding-unhappy-dark-fatter version of myself. The posts are more depressing as my age progresses. I look back and laugh uncontrollably at that silly 18 year old who had her priorities screwed up, who found happiness in small things, whose primary motto in life was to be HAPPY. Fast forward years later, I am still in search of happiness, but in a more polished form, materialistic, professional and personal. When I find the void too deep to fill in, I turn to my blog to carve out utter non-sense. 

Getting up in the morning to get ready for the office has now become a struggle. I have this little theory of mine" The moment you find your job a chore, it's time to move on". I am not happy, I used to strive for profession happiness at the cost of personal happiness, and 2015 stuck me with a huge realization that though I might be successful in finding another job that gives me happiness, the lost time with my loved ones is irreversible. 

I am becoming more and more frustrated to a point where "nothing really matters". I love my profession, but the "JOB" not so much.